The fourth Annual Freq of the Year awards will be run on ANZAC day 25th of April.
FOTY has been an opportunity to recognize members of the community that have added value to our lives. Due to some unforeseen circumstances we are running late on this one, and we apologize for the delay.
How voting works, plus prizes/giveaways.
In coming days nominations for the 2023 Freq of the Year, will go live in discord. Members will have the opportunity to vote for who they think deserves recognition for their contributions over the course of 2023. To be nominated, individuals must be 1/ Been a current Member as of December 25th 2023 and or 2/ Apart of the Freqplatoon and or on a subscription tier.
For those who were on a Sub up until December 2023, you will be included in the end of Year Raffle and added to the nominee list, even if you have subsequently unsubscribed and fallen into “prospect” status. Those who were on “Legendary” tier will still receive x4 tickets to the end of year raffle for example which you will receive via PM shortly. (Anyone who has since unsubscribed will still be considered to have their subscriptions active until ANZAC day April 25th).
Winner of 2023’s Freq of the Year award will receive a prize pack, custom dog tags with their gamer handle and their name etched in history in our Hall of Fame, plus Ryans Medal of Honor, in memoriam of our late brother in arms who we tragically lost in 2020.
We will have a Winner and Runner up prizes in our annual raffle with this years winner receiving a Freqplatoon Hoodie + gift cards compliments of thefrequency, with more prizes tba.
Our sincerest thanks to everyone’s patience on this one and look forward to seeing you on the 25th in Discord as we discover who is 2023’s Freq of the Year, and draw the annual end of year Raffle. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates and make sure you get those votes in before April 25th. – Everyone who votes will go into the draw to win.