Situation report November 2017


With just under 2 months left before the new year we’ve been working hard to reach the milestones we set ourselves at the start of the year. In an effort to be a lot more transparent with our members and their friends we’ve had a graphical representation of those milestones on the homepage now all year and as you can see for yourselves those are all getting very close to 100%, and we’re on track to deliver what we promised by years end. Just. lol.

So what have we been doing the past month and where are we now:


  • SERVERS, as promised last month, are now back online, however it’s going to take a couple of weeks to get them configured, relevant mods added, game tracker info established, etc etc etc. I’m not sure if this is technically an official announcement servers are back, but just know they are online and by all means feel free to participate in getting them back online by giving us feedback, putting your hand up to admin etc. As I just said we’re not shouting their IP’s from the rooftops yet as they are still being worked on however if you do want to jump on and have a play the connection info can be found in “Servers and Networks” in Discord. At present we have our 2 CS:GO servers back online and a 22 slot Minecraft server is also back online with more servers to come before Xmas.


  • WEBSITE has come a long way in the past month, and although cosmetically not a great deal may look different (maybe it does depends on how long its been since your last visit) there are a TON of things that have been added on the back end. If you didnt catch the last month report, social logins have been added, so you are now able to log in using your steam account, facebook account twitch account etc (No more having to fill stuff out to register simply sign in and participate) – Furthermore, you can sign in with the peace of mind. Security has been a major focus on developing the new website – SSL encryption is now in place and you can see this for yourself by taking note of the little green padlock in the top left hand of your browser. – There is still a long way to go with the website, but we are well on our way to having it officially completed by the end of Novemeber and we encourage you to jump on the forums and start participating.


  • COMPETITIONS as many of you know have always been apart of what makes this a fun community to be apart of, and I’m happy to announce that November will see regular competitions where members can win real prizes will be back online. I cant go in to too much detail but the first prize will be a copy of a game that I’d imagine most people will want to get their hands on this xmas so make sure you log on and get posting in the forums because those who keep an eye on this space will have a head start on those who’ve forgotten about us.


  • GAMING – November, and indeed as we move closer to Xmas is going to be pretty massive for PC and gaming in general. Of course the new Call Of Duty is dropping today, be sure to keep an eye out here and around the web for all the latest info (Better then Infinate Warefare? – Hard to imagine they could do any worse, so far so could but we will keep an eye on it). One title we are definitely keeping a close eye on here though is of course the upcoming “Australian Forces” DLC for Rising Storm2: Vietnam which I personally think is going to be fairly successful despite sneaking somewhat under the radar this month, and of course we’re also keeping an eye on any news from the DayZ dev team in regards to the long awaited .63 Beta which has been a LONG time coming for a game that has seemingly been stuck in development hell for at least 2 years now.

OK thats pretty much everything for this months report, but be sure to check back soon as we get back to posting on a more regular basis now that website is a little more functional and servers come back online.


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