FOTY Awards 2024 + End of year wrap up


Xmas 2024

Seasons Greetings one and all! On behalf of the Platoon, I hope everyone reading this has had a healthy safe and fulfilling 2024. As always our sincerest thanks to those who continue to contribute and support the community, we simply couldn’t do it each year without you and we cant express our gratitude enough, on behalf of the entire Platoon. We have some changes coming to the end of the year festivities this year that we’d like to go over with the community, as well as just some general updates.

Firstly, my apologies for the slow updates, 2024 has not been without its challenges with the admin team just flat stick with life family and work commitments, which has coincided with, a very interesting year in gaming generally, with a relatively flat gaming market as far as releases, with AAA’s almost being non existent this year save for SpaceMarine 2, certainly in the realm of anything team based, and anything else on our wishlist being pushed back until 2025. – There are of course exceptions, POE2 being one easy example rounding out the usual suspects like COD. Tactical shooters have been a mix bag also with the likes of ARMA Reforger showing a lot of promise, while titles such as Hell Let Loose having continued a steady decline from all times highs.

With that said, 2025 looks to be a very promising time for multiplayer gaming generally, with several titles that have meant a lot to the community in the past, one in particular rumoured to be at very least in beta testing as early as January – Much more to say about this in later posts.

I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank the admin team for their huge contributions over the year. The community at large doesn’t always see it, but I think people would be surprised at just how much work the team puts in behind the scenes that often goes unseen. This year the team embarked upon an ambitious ARMA reforger project that we have had to unfortunately temporarily put on the shelf for financial and personal comitments, despite months of hard work and the project being pretty much ready to go live. – It may not always be obvious, we may not always succeed, but year after year the team is always working on bringing people together. Sincerest thanks to the admin team on behalf of the community.

Changes to the FOTY Awards and RMOH

Historically, the Freq of The Year Awards has been an opportunity for members to recognize someone who has potentially added some value to their lives that year. That maybe just being a good team mate, being available to play, anything that has added some value to your time whilst gaming with the crew. The most voted player would be named Freq of the year and their name would be put in the Hall of Fame and recipients would receive RMOH in memory and in honor of our good friend Ryan.

Of course this tradition will continue, however moving forward we will be seperating RMOH from the “Freq Of the Year” nomination, and instead RMOH will stand on its own and be awarded at the discretion of the freqplatoon to a member who may not have received FOTY, but none the less deserves recognition for their contributions to the community, through friendship, loyalty, team work, etc.

* If you haven’t already, please head on over to #polls and vote in this years Freq of The Year Awards. – All members who vote go into a raffle to win some games and stuff. But ultimately, if theres someone you have been gaming with this year, you’ve enjoyed their time, go let em know in #polls.

End of year Raffle, Discord Leaderboards and Giveaways 30/12/24

As usual, we’ll be having the end of Year raffle. Like last year we will be doing two raffles for supporters as well as cd keys to give away, steam vouchers, a Hoodie as well as awarding FOTY and RMOH. There will also ofcourse be gaming, with some novelty titles and a few nostalgia titles in there for good measure so dont be a stranger if you’re into that kind of thing. Festivities kick off from 1pm, with the raffles being streamed live from 8pm. This year we will also be giving some prizes away to the top 3 Coins holders before resetting the economy at the start of 2025. So type $richest in Discord to find out where you sit on the ladder. We will also be giving a prize out to the top 3 XP holdesr on the discord leaderboards which can be seen by typing /levels in any channel in Discord, or clicking here.

Feedback and Suggestions

Finally, we’d like to hear from you. We are using the xmas downtime to re evaluate how we can best utilize our time and resources for the community in 2025. What game servers would the community like to run in 2025, events etc. Stay tuned to #news_and_announcements.

Once again wishing you all a very Safe and Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year on behalf of theFrequency, 2025 is legitimately shaping up to be one look forward to. See you on the Battlefield.


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