Back in the days of beige, not long after dinosaurs roamed the Earth, LONG before Counter-Strike (mod), there was ActionQuake2. And it was good. Back when the movie “Hackers” was on “Blockbuster” shelves, and kids drunk unhealthy amounts of “Jolt Cola” literally ActionQuake2, a mod for Quake 2 was the FPS of choice for an entire generation gamers. A game that is STILL played today –
Then, Lord Gabe and the Valve gods unleashed “Halflife” and the Source engine unto the world. And it was good. Very good. From the fruits of this heavenly gift spawned mod’s such as Counter-Strike, Gary’s Mod, and my personal favorite, ActionHalflife. Now, I think it’s important to make clear precisely what the “Action” games hope to be. From the beginning, the “Action” mod, attempted to recreate the feeling of an “Action” movie.
Where other games would try for realism, ActionQuake2 was all about “strafe jumping” around a map, dressed as “Reservoir Dogs” or “Mr-T” guns akimbo, while “John Woo-ing” people in the face. The “LIGHTS”, “CAMERA”, “ACTION” that would kick off each and every new round would lend itself well to this feeling of being in a real life action film, where players could live out there favorite action scenes from their favorite action films.
Action Halflife, took what was great about ActionQuake2 and adapted it for the source engine. Gone was the constant space bar mashing of “strafe jumping” around the map, in came literal “Stunt Diving”, where players could literally dive through windows while unloading whole clips of gold akimbo, “Castor Troy” 9mm replica’s from “Face Off”.

Somewhere in between Halflife and Halflife 2, came Quake3 and the return of those crazy Quake physics in the form of “Reaction Quake3” which wasn’t quite as popular, but Of course, naturally, once Halflife 2 hit the scene, it wasn’t long before the then “Ministry of Action” began work on “Action Halflife 2”
In 2019, the “Action” continues with “Action Source” which for the very first time, aspires to be a standalone Action title based on the source engine. One single download from steam, no mods required. And although still in it’s early days, the game is slated for a 2019 release. With that said, testing has begun and cd keys are being handed out to those interested in becoming apart of the games development upon request. – For all the latest updates be sure to check out
In addition, we’re obviously massively excited about this game’s release and will soon be running weekly competitions for those who have a key as well as running an Oceanic server 24/7 both of which you can find details for in the forums/community section here at FreqHQ –